How To

Importing Old Transactions to Skwad App

Mar 24, 2024

Skwad supports the following file extensions:

  • Open Financial Exchange (ofx) (Recommended)
  • Quicken Financial Exchange (qfx) (Recommended)
  • Quicken Interchange Format (qif)
  • Excel (xlsx, xls)
  • Csv

Step 1: Export or download your old transactions from services like Mint or your bank or credit card provider.

Step 2: At this point, Qfx and Qif are ready. For Csv and Excel files, double check that your data has the following columns:

  • Date: MM/dd/yyyy or dd/MM/yyyy or yyyy-MM-dd
  • Description: The transaction description.
  • Amount: The transaction amount (see below for debit and credit)
  • Transaction Type: (Optional) If provided, it should be debit or credit or d or c
  • Category: (Optional) but recommended. Remember to assign your categories after import
  • Last 4: (Optional) Account last 4 helps assign your transactions to the correct account
  • Memo: (Optional) Your notes / comments
  • ExternalId: (Optional) Used to deduplicate your transactions

The first row should be headers (labels for the corresponding column). Rename the headers to match. For example, Transaction Date should be renamed to Date.

Example file:
Date,Description,Amount,Transaction Type,Category
12/31/2023,Grocery Store,-45.67,debit,Groceries

Step 3: Go to Settings > Import to upload your files.

That's it. Your transactions should appear in your account within seconds.

Deduplicating transactions

  • When you upload Ofx or Qfx files, Skwad will automatically use FITID to filter out duplicate transactions. You don't have to worry about overlapping your exported transactions.
  • For Csv and Excel files, the optional ExternalId column will be used to filter out duplicates.

Checking for errors

You can check the status of your file uploads in your Skwad inbox. Drawer > Inbox on desktop or More > Inbox on mobile.


  • Invalid 'Description' on row number x: if x is 1, the first thing to check are your headers. Make sure the first row is the header row. Then, check the data on row x. Make sure each column follows the instructions above.

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