Skwad is free for 15 days
Experience the most reliable bank connection for yourself. Try Skwad for free.

Skwad is affordable for unlimited transactions
For individuals and couples looking to manage their finances
USD / year
- Includes everything above
- 2 profiles
- 1 free companion
Recommended if you want to sync your data to external sources
USD / year
- Includes everything in DUO
- Sync to Google Sheets
- Multi-currency conversion
Get started today
Frequently asked questions
Is there a free plan?
Is there a free plan?
No, but you can try Skwad for free for 15 days.
Do I need a credit card to try Skwad?
Do I need a credit card to try Skwad?
Yes, but you will not be charged during your free trial. We will also send you a reminder 7 days before your trial ends.
Does the free trial include all features?
Does the free trial include all features?
Yes. Your free trial includes all features by default. You can switch your plans anytime.
Can I invite my partner to Skwad?
Can I invite my partner to Skwad?
Yes. Every plan includes two Skwad profiles and one free companion. You can invite companions to one or both of your Skwads.
Skwads are like workspaces that group your accounts and transactions. You can use multiple Skwads for different purposes, like personal and business finances.
How much does an additional companion cost?
How much does an additional companion cost?
Each skwad includes one free companion. Additional companions can be added for 50% of the plan price.
Why does bank linking cost more than email alerts?
Why does bank linking cost more than email alerts?
Bank linking is an optional integration via third-party data providers. The additional fee goes directly them, not Skwad.
Bank alerts are cheaper because there are no middle-men involved. Learn more.

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Bootstrapped & funded by our users.
Free bank transaction categorizerHow to setup auto import without bank linkingBank linking with 11,000+ financial institutionsHow to auto sync transactions to Google SheetsHow to import from MintHow to import old transactions