Laurentian Bank of Canada logo

Track your Laurentian Bank of Canada transactions without sharing your password

Skwad uses Laurentian Bank of Canada's email alerts to overview your finances comprehensively.

* No credit card required

You can easily set up your Laurentian Bank of Canada alerts to be forwarded to your unique Skwad scan email address, and Skwad takes care of the rest. The system automatically categorizes transactions, detects unusual spending, and provides insights to help you stay on top of your money goals.

Gold Support

Skwad fully supports transaction and balance alerts from Laurentian Bank of Canada. Laurentian Bank of Canada's transaction alerts are instant, and their balance alerts are sent at least once a day.

See why Skwad is better for Canadian banks

More supported banks with email alerts

Don't see your bank? Check your bank's website or app to see if they support email alerts.
Email us if you have more questions about support for your bank.

Get started

* No credit card required

Frequently asked questions

My bank isn't on the list. Can I still use Skwad?

Definitely. Skwad is designed to work with email alerts, not the specific bank. If your bank sends you email alerts, you can use Skwad.

My bank doesn't have alerts. Can I still use Skwad?

Of course. There are several ways to add transactions to Skwad, including: manually adding individual transactions, uploading weekly / monthly CSVs, automating imports using tools like IOS Shortcuts or IFTTT.

If you have a VISA card, see if you can setup purchase alerts from VISA.

Regardless of how you add transactions, Skwad will categorize them for you.

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Bootstrapped & funded by our users.


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* No credit card required