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Manual Accounts

Rather than relying on external sources, Manual accounts keep a running total of your transactions from your very first entry.

Take the following transaction list:

DateDescriptionAmount ($)Running Total ($)
2023-01-01Initial Deposit1000.001000.00
2023-01-15Grocery Shopping-75.50924.50
2023-01-20Salary Deposit2000.002924.50
2023-02-05Rent Payment-800.002124.50

Your account balance will be $2124.50 - the running total of all your transactions.

Starting Balance

Sometimes you do not have the full transaction history of your accounts and would need a starting balance to offset your missing transactions.

The best way to do this in Skwad is to create a miscellaneous balance offset transaction as the starting point of your account balances. Remember to assign it to an excluded category to exclude it from your trends and budget views.

How Skwad Handles Manual Accounts

Manual account balances could be delayed by 24 hours depending on the age of your account or which transactions you edit. Don't worry if the balance lags a bit, it'll eventually reflect your exact balance.


The maximum lag for manual accounts is 24 hours (since your last edit)! If your balances aren't synced with your transactions in 24 hours, please reach out to us for help.

Activating Manual Accounts

Step 1: Go to the account you'd like to convert (or create a new one)

Step 2: Go to the account menu and click Edit

Step 3: Toggle the Manual mode setting

Deactivating Manual Accounts

Simply follow the steps above to deativate an account's manual setting.

Feel free to switch back and forth as you see fit, Skwad is very flexible and you won't lose any data in the process.