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Budgeting in Skwad is very similar to other apps but with a few minor differences.

  1. Your categories are not tied to your budget.

  2. You can have multiple budgets.

  3. You can edit your budget at any time.

Budget Categories

Before creating a budget, you need to setup categories to track your spending against. Your categories can be used all over the app, not just within your budget. You can even track the same categories across multiple budgets.


If this is your first time using Skwad, we highly recommend reading about how categories work.

Budget Types

Skwad currently supports a single budget type (with more planned)

  • Envelope Budgeting: envelope budgets are simple. Divide your monthly income into buckets or 'envelopes', and track your spending against them.

Budget View

The budget view shows you your budget and how much you have available. You'll also be able to compare your budget (or projections) to your actual spending.

Skwad will also show you missing transactions that need to be categorized or that were pushed forward.

Budget Options

After creating your first budget, you can set budget options.

  • Pushing-forward: Sometimes you buy things in advance. Set an effective budget date for when the purchase will be effective in your budget (up to 2 years in advance). This doesn't affect the actual transaction date or your trends view.
  • Excluding: You can entirely exclude a transaction from your budget.